Welcome to some additional information on Test Campaign 1809. If he still wants specific information on a topic that has not yet been addressed, then let me know in the comments.
Why does the campaign start on April 16th?
Some may have noticed that the campaign starts on April 16th and not April 10th, the historical date. Here I use the date of "Le Vol de l'Aigle". While I can only guess why that date was used, I have a few useful ideas. (That's why I kept the date.)
On April 10, the Austrian army was not quite ready for action. Some units were still on the march and therefore some units were provisionally assigned to other corps as replacements. A later date plausibly avoids these complications.
On the other hand, Passau, which serves as a depot and anchor point, first had to be conquered and the resistance of the fortress 'Oberhaus! above Passau absord historical a large blocking force which we simply ignore here for the sake of simplicity.
course of the campaign
Following orders from the "Hofkriegsrat" (war council), two corps and part of the reserve marched north-east and blocked the Isar crossings in the Plattling-Landau area. The other four corps and second reserve marched towards Munich. Upon reaching the foothills of the Alps, the four corps separated. Two advanced on the mountains, two others tried to go around the mountains to the north.
These corps, moving north, encountered the first French troops at Vilsbiburg, south of Landshut.
During the advance towards Landshut, the Austrian 2nd and 5th Corps met French troops. As it turned out, three enemy corps were actually moving towards Vilsbiburg, one of them in the rear of the
2nd Corps Hohenzollern.
The meeting with the enemy that had already been initiated was broken off and a retreat to the south was fought for. The next day, the battered Austrians gathered in Neumarkt and prepared for
defense. The 2nd Reserve Corps reached them there and joined them.
The French initially kept their distance and regrouped their troops, including sending two corps to Eggenfelden.
On the 25th they attacked the Austrians again. The Austrians defended themselves bravely and were even able to inflict heavy losses on the enemy on the left flank. But in the afternoon Neumarkt
fell and the Austrians once again had to retreat under cover of darkness. The 2nd Hohenzollern Corps and the 2nd Reserve Corps Kienmayer were shattered, fleeing disorderly south towards the
Austrian border.
(The decision regarding the deposition of the 5th Corps, Erduke Ludwig, is still pending.)
Pictures of the Battle of NEumarkt St. Veit
Order of Battle
Since "Absolute Emperor" will probably be used for the first battle, I tried to show all the troops of the campaign right away.
This first draft was based on the Wagram scenario of the rules and the manpower of the known troop formations.
The overall strength of the armies has been chosen to be almost identical. Austria only has the larger crowd, while France has better generals and more experienced soldiers.
At the moment I'm considering adjusting the values again for the upcoming game.
Austria: III. Corps - Hussars (LtCav) Veteran +8 points, IV. Corps - FML Rosenberg 4 Elan +5 points
VI. Corps is commanded by FML Hiller.
French: II. Corps - Chasseurs (LtCav) Seasoned -8 points
This gives Austria another advantage of 21 points, but would feel more appropriate.
I was considering upgrading a French cavalry unit to medium cavalry, but historically these were not available at the beginning of the campaign, so I refrain from doing so.
Austria: V. Corps - Chevaux Legere (LtCav) Seasoned added +24 points
In addition, the troops were roughly divided into divisions. A unit equal to a division resulted in the corps being underequipped with the required strength. More units have been added to compensate.
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